Interface H5PEditorObject

Typically PascalCased - MyWidget

Typically camelCased - myWidget

The widget class

interface H5PEditorObject {
    $: JQueryStatic;
    constants: { otherLibraries: string };
    contentId: H5PContentId;
    ContentType: H5PEditorContentType;
    isIE: boolean;
    libraryCache: Record<string, unknown>;
    libraryLoaded: Record<string, unknown>;
    loadedCallbacks: () => void[];
    renderableCommonFields: Record<string, unknown>;
    storage: {
        get: (key: string, next: (value: unknown) => void) => void;
        set: (key: string, value: unknown) => void;
    supportedLanguages: Record<string, string>;
    widgets: Record<string, unknown>;
    addCommonField<TField extends H5PField>(
        field: TField,
        parent: H5PForm,
        params: InferParamTypeFromFieldType<TField>,
        ancestor: H5PForm,
        skipAppendTo?: boolean,
    ): void;
        widget: IH5PWidget,
        fieldName: string,
        parent: H5PForm,
    ): void;
        clipboard: { generic?: unknown } & Record<string, unknown>,
        libs: Record<string, unknown>,
    ): boolean;
        clipboard: { generic?: unknown } & Record<string, unknown>,
        libs: Record<string, unknown>,
        | { canPaste: true }
        | { canPaste: false; description: string; reason: string };
        TValue extends string
        | number
        | boolean
        | Record<string, unknown>,
        $errors: JQuery,
        $input: JQuery,
        value: TValue,
    ): false | TValue;
    confirmReplace(library: string, top: number, next: () => void): void;
        field: H5PField,
        content: string,
        inputId?: string,
    ): string;
        id: string,
        title: string,
        handler: () => void,
        displayTitle?: boolean,
    ): JQuery<HTMLDivElement>;
    createCopyPasteButtons(): string;
    createDescription(description: string, inputId?: string): string;
    createError(message: string): string;
        field: H5PField,
        content: string,
        inputId?: string,
    ): string;
    createImportance<TImportance extends undefined | null | H5PImportance>(
        importance: undefined | null | H5PImportance,
    ): TImportance extends H5PImportance
        ? `importance-${TImportance<TImportance>}`
        : "";
            | undefined
            | { description?: string; example?: string },
    ): string;
            | "number"
            | "boolean"
            | "library"
            | "audio"
            | "file"
            | "group"
            | "image"
            | "list"
            | "select"
            | "text"
            | "video"
            | Number
            | Boolean
            | Audio
            | File
            | Group
            | Image
            | Library
            | List
            | Select
            | Text
            | Video,
        label: undefined | string,
        description: undefined | string,
        content: string,
    ): string;
    createLabel(field: H5PField, content?: string): string;
    createOption(value: string, text: string, selected?: boolean): string;
        value?: string,
        maxLength?: number,
        placeholder?: string,
        id?: string,
        describedby?: string,
    ): string;
    enableMetadata(library: string): boolean;
    findAncestor(parent: H5PForm): undefined | H5PForm;
        TField extends H5PForm = IH5PFieldInstance<unknown, H5PField>,
        TParent extends H5PForm = H5PForm,
        path: string | string[],
        parent: TParent,
    ): false | TField;
    findLibraryAncestor(parent: H5PForm): undefined | H5PForm;
        fieldName: string,
        semanticsStructure: H5PField | H5PField[],
    ): null | H5PField | H5PField[];
    followField<TField extends H5PField = H5PField>(
        parent: H5PForm,
        path: string,
        callback: (params: InferParamTypeFromFieldType<TField>) => void,
    ): void;
    getDescriptionId(id: string): string;
    getNextFieldId(field: H5PField): string;
    getParentLibrary(parent: H5PForm): null | H5PForm;
    getParentZebra(parent: H5PForm): "odd" | "even";
    getWidgetName(field: H5PField): string;
    htmlspecialchars(escapedHtml: string): string;
        strings: (undefined | string)[],
        separator?: string,
    ): string;
        TLibraryName extends string,
        TMajorVersion extends number,
        TMinorVersion extends number,
        library: `${TLibraryName} ${TMajorVersion}.${TMinorVersion}`,
        | false
        | {
            machineName: TLibraryName;
            majorVersion: TMajorVersion;
            minorVersion: TMinorVersion;
        TLib extends
            Pick<H5PLibrary, "machineName" | "majorVersion" | "minorVersion">,
        library: TLib,
    ): `${TLib["machineName"]} ${TLib["majorVersion"]}.${TLib["minorVersion"]}`;
    loadJs(src: string, doneCallback: () => void): void;
    loadLibrary<TSemantics = unknown>(
        libraryName: `${string} ${number}.${number}`,
        callback: (semantics: TSemantics) => void,
    ): void;
    processSemanticsChunk<TFields extends H5PField[] = H5PField[]>(
        semanticsChunk: TFields,
        params: Record<
        $wrapper: JQuery<HTMLElement>,
        parent: H5PForm,
        machineName?: string,
    ): void;
    removeChildren(children: IH5PWidget[]): void;
    renderCommonField(machineName: string, libraries?: H5PLibrary[]): void;
    resetLoadedLibraries(): void;
    setCommonFieldsWrapper(parent: H5PForm, wrapper: HTMLElement): void;
        library: string,
        key: string,
        vars?: Record<`:${string}`, string>,
    ): string;
        semantics: H5PField[],
        translation: H5PField[],
        parentIsCommon?: boolean,
    ): void;
    wrapFieldMarkup(field: H5PField, markup: string): string;
    [key: string]: unknown;


  • Record<string, unknown>
    • H5PEditorObject


  • [key: string]: unknown


$: JQueryStatic
constants: { otherLibraries: string }
contentId: H5PContentId
isIE: boolean
libraryCache: Record<string, unknown>
libraryLoaded: Record<string, unknown>
loadedCallbacks: () => void[]
renderableCommonFields: Record<string, unknown>
storage: {
    get: (key: string, next: (value: unknown) => void) => void;
    set: (key: string, value: unknown) => void;
supportedLanguages: Record<string, string>
widgets: Record<string, unknown>


  • Bind events to important description


    Returns void

  • Check if clipboard can be pasted


    • clipboard: { generic?: unknown } & Record<string, unknown>
    • libs: Record<string, unknown>

    Returns boolean

  • Check if clipboard can be pasted and give reason if not.


    • clipboard: { generic?: unknown } & Record<string, unknown>

      Clipboard data.

    • libs: Record<string, unknown>

      Libraries to compare against.

    Returns { canPaste: true } | { canPaste: false; description: string; reason: string }

    Results. {canPaste: boolean, reason: string, description: string}.

  • Check if any errors have been set. Blocks tab-key on $input if $errors is not empty.

    Type Parameters

    • TValue extends string | number | boolean | Record<string, unknown>


    • $errors: JQuery
    • $input: JQuery
    • value: TValue

    Returns false | TValue

  • Confirm replace if there is content selected


    • library: string
    • top: number
    • next: () => void

    Returns void

  • Create HTML wrapper for a boolean field item.


    • field: H5PField
    • content: string
    • OptionalinputId: string

    Returns string

  • Makes it easier to add consistent buttons across the editor widget


    • id: string

      Typical CSS class format

    • title: string

      Human readable format

    • handler: () => void

      Action handler when triggered

    • OptionaldisplayTitle: boolean

      Show button with text. Default: false

    Returns JQuery<HTMLDivElement>

  • Generate markup for the copy and paste buttons

    Returns string

  • Create a description


    • description: string
    • OptionalinputId: string

    Returns string

  • Create an error paragraph with the given message


    • message: string

      Error message to display

    Returns string

    Message wrapped in


  • Create HTML wrapper for a field item. Replacement for createItem()


    • field: H5PField
    • content: string
    • OptionalinputId: string

    Returns string


  • Create an important description


    • importantDescription: undefined | { description?: string; example?: string }

    Returns string

  • Create the HTML wrapper for field items.


    • type:
          | "number"
          | "boolean"
          | "library"
          | "audio"
          | "file"
          | "group"
          | "image"
          | "list"
          | "select"
          | "text"
          | "video"
          | Number
          | Boolean
          | Audio
          | File
          | Group
          | Image
          | Library
          | List
          | Select
          | Text
          | Video

      Field type as string (ie. "text", "image", "number")

    • label: undefined | string

      Label text. Can be HTML

    • description: undefined | string

      Optional description text for the field. If set, it will be included beneath the field edit form

    • content: string

      HTML content for the field as a string. Inserted in the wrapper

    Returns string

    since version 1.12 (Jan. 2017, will be removed Jan. 2018). Use createFieldMarkup instead.

  • Create a label to wrap content in.


    • field: H5PField

      Semantics object for the field

    • Optionalcontent: string

      HTML string for content field

    Returns string

    Label as string of HTML

  • Create HTML for select options.


    • value: string

      The value of the option

    • text: string

      The text for the option

    • Optionalselected: boolean

      If set, the option is set as selected

    Returns string

    Option as string of HTML

  • Parameters

    • Optionalvalue: string

      Initial value for the text input

    • OptionalmaxLength: number

      Maximum number of characters

    • Optionalplaceholder: string

      Placeholder string shown if no value is entered

    • Optionalid: string

      The input field's id

    • Optionaldescribedby: string

      aria-describedby id

    Returns string

    Input field as string of HTML

  • Check if the current library is entitled for the metadata button. True by default.


    • library: string

      Current library.

    Returns boolean

    True, if form should have the metadata button.

  • Find the nearest ancestor which handles commonFields.


    Returns undefined | H5PForm

  • Find the nearest library ancestor. Used when adding common fields.


    Returns undefined | H5PForm

  • Search for a field or a set of fields. Returns null if the field isn't found.


    Returns null | H5PField | H5PField[]

  • Observe a field to get changes to its params.This is used to track changes within an object during editing in case the change needs to be reflected visually.

    An example from H5PEditor.DragQuestion. This observes the "settings/background" property and changes the background of the editor if changed.

    Type Parameters


    Returns void

    H5PEditor.followField(parent, 'settings/background', function (params) {
  • Helps generating a consistent description ID across fields


    • id: string

    Returns string

  • Generates a consistent and unique field ID for the given field


    Returns string

  • Recursively traverse parents to find the library our field belongs to


    Returns null | H5PForm

  • Alternate the background color of fields


    Returns "odd" | "even"

    odd or even to determine background color of callee

  • Helper function for detecting field widget


    Returns string

  • Mimics a simple version of PHP htmlspecialchars. Basically replaces brackets and quotes with corresponding HTML entities.


    • escapedHtml: string

      String to replace special chars

    Returns string

    const unescapedHtml = "<h1>"Hello world"</h1>";
    const escapedHtml = H5PEditor.htmlspecialchars(unescapedHtml);
    // &lt;h1&gt;&quot;Hello world&quot;&lt;/h1&gt;
  • Joins an array of strings if they are defined and non empty


    • strings: (undefined | string)[]
    • Optionalseparator: string

      Default: " "

    Returns string

  • Translates a library object to a library string.

    Type Parameters

    • TLib extends Pick<H5PLibrary, "machineName" | "majorVersion" | "minorVersion">


    • library: TLib

      Library object with machineName, majorVersion and minorVersion set

    Returns `${TLib["machineName"]} ${TLib["majorVersion"]}.${TLib["minorVersion"]}`

  • Help load JavaScripts, prevents double loading


    • src: string
    • doneCallback: () => void

    Returns void

  • Loads a complete library, with semantics, scripts and CSS from the server. Injects the javascript and stylesheets then returns the semantics object in the callback.

    Type Parameters

    • TSemantics = unknown


    • libraryName: `${string} ${number}.${number}`
    • callback: (semantics: TSemantics) => void

      Callback that will be called with the library's semantics when loaded

    Returns void

  • Call remove on the given children


    Returns void

  • Render common fields of content type with given machine name.


    • machineName: string

      Machine name of content type with common fields

    • Optionallibraries: H5PLibrary[]

      Library data for machine name

    Returns void

  • Reset loaded libraries - i.e removes CSS added previously

    Returns void

  • Attach ancestor of parent's common fields to a new wrapper


    • parent: H5PForm

      Parent content type instance that common fields should be attached to

    • wrapper: HTMLElement

      New wrapper of common fields

    Returns void

  • Translate text strings


    • library: string

      The library name(machineName), or "core"

    • key: string

      Translation string identifier

    • Optionalvars: Record<`:${string}`, string>

      Placeholders and values to replace in the text

    Returns string

    Translated string, or a default text if the translation is missing

  • Update common fields default values for the given semantics. Works by reference.


    • semantics: H5PField[]
    • translation: H5PField[]
    • OptionalparentIsCommon: boolean

      Used to indicated that one of the ancestors is a common field

    Returns void

  • Wraps a field with some metadata classes, and adds error field.


    Returns string